The x-treme skid steer rotary tiller is a perfect attachment for tilling gardens and small fields. It’s also great for deer hunters to use to make food plots with ease. These tillers have a bi-directional rotation and can till ground up to 6”deep. We offer two configurations of skid steer rotary tillers.
We manufacture a low flow single parker motor x-treme rotary tiller that runs between 14 -20 GPM. We also manufacture a high flow x-treme rotary tiller with a dual parker motor system that runs 20-40 GPM. The Tiller was designed to include bolt on replaceable tines so you can get many hours of use out of your tiller. Our rotary tillers come in two different sizes which can be viewed in the specs below.
X-treme Skid Steer Rotary Tiller Specs
Bolt on replaceable tines.
1/4” plate, rolled housing. 3/8” sides with 3/8” thick shoes.
Low Flow 14-20 gpm. Single parker motor with internal relief valve.
High Flow 20-40 gpm. Dual parker motors with internal relief valves and ¾” machine hose.
Low Flow size: 72″.
High Flow Sizes: 72″, 84″.
X-treme Skid Steer Rotary Tiller Attachments Extra Protection
Our x-treme skid steer rotary tiller attachment also comes powder coated and all hoses come with protective sleeves to give the attachment the best protection.